A Message from our Head of School
We encourage you to consider supporting LFT with a gift. Indeed, as a registered charity, the Lycée Français de Toronto depends on your generosity to advance our shared vision of providing an education of excellence to every child.
Every donation - be it large or small - actively supports the growth of every student.
We can prove it, the past 2 years, you made a huge difference! Our students from PreK to Grade 12 benefited from your gifts, and their smiles every day testify to this: on the play structures, on the turf, under the trees that started to blossom this summer, expressing their talent on the stage, reading stories in the library, interacting on the sofas in the corridors, in their brand-new lounge area for the high school students. Every place has been vastly improved thanks to you, and our gratitude is infinite.
And you've given us wings, because today we're inspired by many ideas to enhance your children's complete experience: how about climbing walls contributing to a myriad of skills, STEM materials for your children to become real engineers, and materials for all the arts for them to become real artists.
Every additional donation is an opportunity for us to invest in resources that contribute to your children's knowledge, skills and blossom!
So don't wait any longer, we are counting on you!
As a registered charity, LFT is pleased to issue a tax receipt for all donations over $20.
Barbara Martin, Head of School
CRA Registration No. 898226972 RR 0001